Saturday, June 6, 2009

Countdown to Court - 2 days

2 things I have begun to rely heavily on:
2. Faith. There have been so many moments during this process(like when my husband lost his job) that have made me question our decision to adopt. But every time it always comes back to the undeniable confirmation a year ago that this was something we were told to do. And I know that the Lord wouldn't tell us to do this if he didn't have a plan. So, sure enough, each time I've had doubts and then replaced those doubts with faith - the Lord has shown his power.
Example: When we found out Ian would be losing his job one of the first things we discussed was whether or not we would continue with the adoption. We both prayed and realized what I said above about how the Lord wouldn't ask us to do this without providing a way to do it. So we decided to continue. We got our referral 3 days later. And he got a job a month after he lost it. And he was still being paid severance from the previous job. And the new job will reimburse adoption expenses...up to just about the exact amount we have left to pay(including travel costs). And the job pays a bit more than the previous one. So...there's my example of taking that first step in faith.
"I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."
1. Cinnamon Pop Tarts.


Jed said...


Megan said...

Faith.....ah, yes. That is quite the concept, isn't it? One that I have to remind myself of - you got the answer already, you need to exercise faith now, even though it's a big step (that's me talking to myself).

The Cinnamon Pop Tart thing - can't really relate there. I'm more of a B&R Hard Sugar Free Candy girl. But whatever works, right? ;)